Industry Update

  1. FATF Public Statement (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action – February 2025) – February 2025
  2. FATF Public Statement (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring –February 2025) – February 2025
  3. FATF Public Statement (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action – October 2024) – October 2024
  4. FATF Public Statement (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring – October 2024) – October 2024
  5. FATF Public Statement (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action – June 2024) – June 2024
  6. FATF Public Statement (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring – June 2024) – June
  7. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission has issued a Draft Financial Services (Prudential and Statistical Returns) Regulations for the third consultation period.
    Please see the following documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note - The financial services (prudential and statistical returns) Regulations, 2024.
    2. Financial services (prudential and statistical returns) regulations, 2024.

    This consultation is intended to identify any major areas of concern with the draft legislation. The AFSC hereby invites persons to provide comments on the draft of the Financial Services (Prudential and Statistical Returns) Regulations legislation. Persons are invited to provide their comments to the AFSC at by close of business on Friday, 26 April, 2024..
  8. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission has issued a Trust and Corporate Services Providers Bill and Regulations (collectively, “TCSP legislation”) for the fourth consultation period.
    Please see the following documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note

    This consultation is intended to identify any major areas of concern with the draft legislation. The AFSC hereby invites persons to provide comments on the draft of the TCSP legislation. Persons are invited to provide their comments to the AFSC at by close of business on Friday, 26 April, 2024..
  9. FATF Public Statement (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action –February 2024) – February 2024
  10. FATF Public Statement (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring –February 2024) – February 2024
  11. FATF Public Statement (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action – October 2023) – October 2023
  12. FATF Public Statement (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring – October 2023) – October 2023
  13. Dear Financial Service Provider,
    Please see the attached FIU Advisory on AML/CFT RED FLAGS IN RELATION TO LEGAL PROFESSIONALS, FIU/ADV/2023/005.

    1. FIU/ADV/2023/005

  14. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Government of Anguilla through the Anguilla National Anti-Money Laundering Committee (ANAMLC) has published this document to provides a list, by regime of the applicable sanction measures applicable to Anguilla with a brief summary of each measure. The document also provides other sanctions related measures not directly linked to a regime. This document is produced as an effort to assist persons in their compliance with the Anguillian Sanctions Regime.

    Note: although every effort is made to ensure that the legislation is up-to-date, persons should ensure that they consult the Gazette Office and Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation in the United Kingdom for updates. Additional guidance can be found in "Anguilla’s Financial Sanctions Guidelines". Anguilla Financial Sanctions Guidelines This document is not intended to serve as legal advice and persons should seek independent legal advice to understand their obligations and ensure compliance.
    1. Sanctions Regime
  15. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla National Anti-Money Laundering Committee (“ANAMLC”), through the Financial Intelligence Unit, has taken the coordination responsibility for devising Anguilla’s National Counter-Terrorism, Terrorist Financing or Proliferation Financing Strategic Plan. Terrorism, terrorist financing and proliferation financing all have negative impacts on the overall growth and development of the country. This is especially the case for smaller jurisdictions like Anguilla where there is a reliance on external factors to sustain the nation’s fragile economic industry. A possible attack on a country for diplomatic, clandestine or other reasons would have a drastic effect on the people and nation. The assessed threat of a terrorist attack, terrorist financing or proliferation is low for Anguilla. This national counter terrorism strategy plan calls for the preparedness of all stakeholders to come together to use information, financial intelligence, law enforcement agencies and all other powers to seek to prepare, prevent, protect and pursue to defeat terrorist financing and proliferation financing, as well has having dynamic approach to emerging threats. This national plan therefore provides direction for the coordination and implementation of strategic and operational initiatives to combat terrorist financing, proliferation financing, terrorism and the movement of terrorist fighters within the jurisdiction of Anguilla.
    1. National Counter Terrorism Strategy

  16. FATF Public Statement (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action June 2023) – June 2023
  17. FATF Public Statement (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring – June 2023) – 23 June 2023
  18. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission (the "Commission") has issued the above-noted legislation for consultation. As part of the ongoing legislative reform to ensure compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations, a review and update of the AML/CFT legislative framework is being carried out. These Regulations have been drafted to complement the Draft Digital Asset Business Act.
    Please see the following documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note
    2. Draft Digital Assets Business Regulations 2023

    The Commission hereby invites persons to make comments on the draft legislation. Persons are invited to provide comments no later than 26 June 2023 to the Commission at
  19. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission (the “Commission”) has issued the above-noted legislation for consultation. As part of the ongoing legislative reform to ensure compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations, a review and update of the AML/CFT legislative framework is being carried out.
    Please see the following documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note
    2. Amendments to Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Regulations
    3. Amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Code

    The Commission hereby invites persons to make comments on the draft legislation. Persons are invited to provide comments no later than 22 June 2023 to the Commission at
  20. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission (the “Commission”) issued the above-noted legislation as part of the ongoing legislative reform to ensure compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations; a review and update of the AML/CFT legislative framework is being carried out.
    This Bill has been further amended taking into consideration comments received on the draft circulated in the second round of consultation. The amendments further clarified certain definitions and allowed for consistency throughout the Bill. The comments from industry along with the Commission’s responses are published.
    Please see the following documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note
    2. DABA Second Round Consultation - Comments and Responses

  21. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission (the "Commission") has issued the above-noted legislation for a second round of consultation. As part of the ongoing legislative reform to ensure compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations, a review and update of the AML/CFT legislative framework is being carried out.
    This draft has been further amended taking into consideration comments received on the draft circulated in the first round of consultation. The amendments made in this draft clarifies certain definitions and removes any duplication of powers already set out in the Financial Services Commission Act, R.S.A. c. F28.
    Please see the following documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note
    2. Second Draft Digital Assets Business Act, 2023
    3. First Round Consultation – Comments and Responses

    The Commission hereby invites persons to make comment
  22. Dear Market Participants,
    Following Anguilla’s National Risk Assessment exercise, the Government of Anguilla has approved the publication of the National Anti-Money Laundering, Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Financing the Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction Policy and Strategic Plan (“National AML/CFT/CPF Policy”). The National AML/CFT/CPF Policy is developed in line with the key gaps and deficiencies that were identified as a result of the National Risk Assessment process. It seeks to outline the directions, limitations, principles, and guidance for decision making in respect of Anti-Money Laundering, Countering the Financing of Terrorism, and Countering the Proliferation Financing of weapons of mass destruction (“AML/CFT/CPF”). Furthermore, the National AML/CFT/CPF Policy provides guidance on strategic actions to be undertaken by the respective competent authorities in Anguilla in addressing gaps and deficiencies that affect the jurisdiction’s technical compliance and effectiveness to be achieved in respect of AML/CFT/PF.
    Please see the following document:
    1. National Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy and Proliferation Financing Strategic Plan
  23. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission (the “Commission”) has issued the above-noted legislation for consultation. As part of the ongoing legislative reform to ensure compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations, a review and update of the AML/CFT legislative framework is being carried out.
    Please see the following documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note
    2. Draft Digital Assets Business Act, 2023
    The Commission hereby invites persons to make comments on the draft legislation. Persons are invited to provide comments no later than 31 May 2023 to the Commission at
  24. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission has issued the above-noted legislation for consultation. As part of the ongoing legislative reform to ensure compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations, a review and update of the AML/CFT legislative framework is being carried out. .
    1. Consultation Note
    2. Draft Financial Services Commission (Amendment) Act, 2023
    3. Draft Trusts (Amendment Act, 2023)
    4. Draft Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) (No2) Act, 2023
    The Commission hereby invites persons to make comments on the draft legislation. Persons are invited to provide comments no later than 22 May 2023 to the Commission at
  25. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission has issued the above-noted legislation for consultation. As part of the ongoing legislative reform to ensure compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations, a review and update of the AML/CFT legislative framework is being carried out.
    The Commission hereby invites persons to make comments on the draft legislation. Persons are invited to provide comments no later than 31 March 2023 to the Commission at
    1. Consultation Note
    2. Non-Profit Organisations (Amendment) Regulations
  26. FATF Public Statement (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action – February 2023) – 24 February 2023
  27. FATF Public Statement (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring – February 2023) – 24 February 2023
  28. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    On 21 February 2023, the Government of Anguilla launched Anguilla's first National Risk Assessment ("NRA"). The NRA is a critical step for Anguilla in understanding where the risk lies and what mitigating measures are required to be implemented. The NRA outlines the results of the NRA exercise completed by the relevant competent authorities in 2018 with updated results in 2020. The NRA assesses the money laundering threats for twenty one (21) predicate offences and sectoral vulnerabilities for each financial sector within Anguilla. It is important that all service providers and NPOs are aware of the results as outlined in the NRA and consider and utilise these the results of the NRA when conducting their own risk rating exercises within their organisations.
    1. Anguilla National Risk Assessment
  29. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission has issued Amendments to the Anguilla Utility Token Offering Act for consultation. Persons are invited to submit comments on the amendments by Friday, 24 February 2023 to the Commission at Gesel.Hodge@afsc.aia>

    Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note
    2. Amendments to the Anguilla Utility Token Offering Act
  30. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    Anguilla's Financial Sanctions Guidelines guidance was produced in collaboration with the following competent authorities for the implementation and enforcement of financial sanctions in Anguilla: Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC), Anguilla Financial Services Commission and the Financial Intelligence Unit with the support of HE the Governor in the discharge of the duties under the Sanctions regimes. The purpose of these guidelines is to assist businesses and professionals in meeting and complying with their obligations under financial sanctions and in relation to designations of persons, including addressing any licensing and compliance issues.
    It should be noted that these guidelines do not serve as legal advice. These guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Sanctions Order and all other relevant legislation. Independent legal advice should be sought if you are unsure of your obligations in any given case.

    Please see the attached document in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Anguilla Financial Sanctions Guidelines
  31. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission has issued Amendments to the Financial Services Commission Act, Proceeds of Crime Act and Externally and Non Regulated Service Providers Regulations for consultation. Persons are invited to submit comments on the amendments by Wednesday, 30 November 2022 to the Commission at

    Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Externally and Non-Regulated Service Providers (Amendment) Regulations, Consultation 2022
    2. Bill for Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Act, Consultation 2022
    3. Bill for Financial Services Commission (Amendment) Act, Consultation 2022
    4. Consultation Note 17 November 2022
  32. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission has issued Amendments to the Non-Profit Organisation Regulations, Amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Regulations and Amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Code for consultation. Persons are invited to submit comments on the amendments by Friday, 25 November 2022 to the Commission at

    Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2022
    2. Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Code 2022
    3. Non-Profit Organisations (Amendment) Regulations 2022
    4. Consultation Note
  33. FATF Public Statement (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action – October 2022) – 21 October 2022
  34. FATF Public Statement (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring – October 2022) – 21 October 2022
  35. Public Notice - Requirement to Register as Non-Regulated Service Provider – 22 September 2022
  36. Public Notice - Requirement to Register as an NRSP- Real Estate Agents – 22 September 2022
  37. Public Notice - Requirement to Register as an NRSP- High Value Dealers – 22 September 2022
  38. Public Notice - Requirement to Register as an NRSP- Accountants and Auditors – 22 September 2022
  39. Press Release - 2022 Promotions - Anguilla Financial Services Commission – 20 September 2022
  40. Themed Inspections Phase 3 - Q1 2022
  41. FATF Public Statement (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action – June 2022) – 17 June 2022
  42. FATF Public Statement (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring – June 2022) – 17 June 2022
  43. Themed Inspections Phase 2
  44. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    In preparation for the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force ("CFATF") Mutual Evaluation of Anguilla in the second quarter of 2023, the CFATF Secretariat will be conducting virtual pre-assessment training for all of the Commission's Licensees, Registrants and Non-Profit Organisations on 13 July 2022 at 8:30 am EST to 1:30 pm EST.
    1. Register by 17 June 2022 using the following link

    More information will be provided in a subsequent email following registration. Please direct any inquiries you may have to the Commission at We look forward to your participation in this training event.

  45. .
  46. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission ("the AFSC"), in collaboration with the Anguilla Commercial Registry, wishes to inform you that the following legislation have been passed and are now published in the Gazette:
    1. Business Companies Act, 2022
    2. Business Companies Regulations, 2022
    3. Commercial Registry and Beneficial Ownership Registration Act, 2022
    4. Commercial Registry and Beneficial Ownership Registration Regulations, 2022

    The above legislation will be published on the AFSC website under Legislation.

    Please note that the Protected Cell Companies legislation has been repealed by the Act.

  47. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,


    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission has issued a Trust and Corporate Services Providers Bill, Draft Trust and Corporate Services Providers (Fees) Regulations (collectively, "TCSP legislation") and Draft Financial Services (Prudential and Statistical Returns) Regulations for the second consultation period.
    Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:


    The AFSC hereby invites persons to provide comments on the second draft of the captioned legislation. Persons are invited to provide their comments to the AFSC at by close of business on Friday, 27 May, 2022.

  48. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission ("AFSC") has issued the Securities and Investment Funds ("SIFA") Bill for the second consultation period and the SIFA Regulations for the first consultation period. Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note: The Securities and Investment Funds Bill
    2. The First Draft: Securities and Investment Funds Regulations, 2022
    3. The Second Draft: Securities and Investment Funds Act, 2022
    4. Comments and Responses: Securities and investment Funds Bill, 2021

    The AFSC hereby invites persons to provide comments on the second draft of the captioned legislation. Persons are invited to provide their comments to the AFSC at by close of business on Monday, 13 June, 2022.
  49. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,


    The Inland Revenue Department (IRD), in preparation for the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on 1 July 2022 is pleased to announce the launch of its registration drive for GST commencing, Monday 4th April 2022.
    Please see the attached documents.


  50. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,


    The United Kingdom’s government has issued new restrictive economic measures in response to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019, and amendments made under the UK’s Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 (SAMLA) are extended to Anguilla to ensure effective implementation via Russia (Sanctions) (Overseas Territories) Order 2020, and amendments.
    Please see the attached public notice in relation to the United Kingdom’s Sanctions against Russia.


  51. FATF Public Statement (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action – March 2022) – 4 March 2022
  52. FATF Public Statement (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring – March 2022) – 4 March 2022
  53. Dear Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission is pleased to offer, in partnership with Deloitte Bermuda, a webinar on IFRS 17 - Insurance Contracts on Tuesday 15 March 2022 at 9:00am. This webinar will cover:
    1. Background to IFRS 17
    2. Overview of IFRS 17 measurement methodologies
    3. Business impact of IFRS 17
    4. Changes to financial statements

    This educational session is aimed at directors serving on the Boards, and senior officers, of licensed insurers that file financial statements in accordance with Internal Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Staff of such institutions can also benefit from this webinar as it seeks to provide foundational information regarding the new standard, IFRS 17, which will be effective for financial periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023.
    Please register using the following link
    We look forward to your participation.
  54. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission invites service providers in the financial services industry and the general public to submit comments on the first draft of the Anguilla Private Trust Companies Regulations, 2022. Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note: The Private Trust Company Regulations ("the PTC Regulations")
    2. First Draft: Anguilla Private Trust Companies Regulations, 2022

    Kindly submit your comments no later than Friday, 4 March, 2022 to the Commission at
  55. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission invites service providers in the financial services industry and the general public to submit comments on the Co-operative Societies Bill and Regulations. Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note: The Co-operative Societies Bill and Regulations
    2. Second Draft: Co-operative Societies Regulations, 2022
    3. Third Draft: Co-operative Societies Bill, 2022

    Kindly submit your comments no later than Monday, 31 January, 2022 to the Commission at
  56. Invitation to Virtual Zoom Meeting with regards to Public Consultation Paper Commercial and Beneficial Ownership Registry Bill December
  57. Commercial and Beneficial Ownership Registry Regulations Consultation Draft 2021
  58. FATF Public Statement (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action - October 2021) – 21 October 2021
  59. FATF Public Statement (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - October 2021) – 21 October 2021
  60. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission has concluded the consultation process for the draft Anguilla Special Trust Bill (“ASTrA”) bill. Please see the attached documents:
    1. Consultation Note - The Anguilla Special Trust bill (ASTrA)
    2. Second Draft -Anguilla Special Trusts Bill

    Kindly submit your comments no later than Monday, 9th August, 2021 to the Commission at
  61. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission invites service providers in the financial services industry and the general public to submit comments on the Co-operative Societies Bill and Regulations. Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note: The Co-operative Societies Bill and Regulations
    2. Co-operative Societies Bill, 2022
    3. The Co-operative Societies Regulations, 2022

    Kindly submit your comments no later than Thursday, 22nd April, 2021 to the Commission at
  62. FATF Public Statement - (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring – June 2021) – 25 June 2021
  63. FATF Public Statement – (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action- June 2021) – 25 June 2021
  64. AML/CFT Inspections Report 2018 & 2019
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission (the "Commission") has today issued its AML/CFT Inspection Report for 2018 and 2019.
    The Commission has assessed service providers compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Legislation. This report presents the areas in which the assessed service providers’ performance was deficient and summarises common trends found within each area assessed.
  65. Themed Inspection Report
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission (the “Commission”) presents the attached report which outlines the summary of findings following phase 1 of the Commission’s Themed AML/CFT Inspections.
    The Commission intends early next week to forward correspondence to all Licensees providing guidance on the areas assessed during phase 1. The Commission urges all Licensees to review the report and guidance provided and ensure that they are in compliance with the AML/CFT legislation.
  66. COVID19 Notice - Remote Work
  67. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission invites service providers in the financial services industry and the general public to submit comments on the second draft Anguilla Business Companies (“ABC”) Regulations. Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note: The Anguilla Business Companies (“ABC”) Regulations,
    2. The second draft The Anguilla Business Companies (“ABC”) Regulations

    Kindly submit your comments no later than Thursday, 22nd April, 2021 to the Commission at
  68. Save The Date
    Virtual consultation
    The Anguilla Business Companies (“ABC”) Legislation

    The Ministry of Finance in collaboration with the Anguilla Commercial Registry intends to hold a virtual consultation on Thursday, 22 April 2021 at 8:00am.

    The Anguilla Business Company legislation is part of an ongoing legislative reform towards the update of the Anguilla’s companies regime. The Anguilla Business Company legislation will provide for a flexible companies regime that increases the types of legal structures that can be formed. The Anguilla Business Company Bill specifically, allows for the incorporation of companies that can conduct business globally, and/or domestically in Anguilla while complying with international standards.

    The Ministry of Finance hereby invites persons to join the consultation session on the Anguilla Business Company legislation via the following link.

  69. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission invites service providers in the financial services industry and the general public to submit comments on the second draft Anguilla Business Companies (“ABC”) Bill. Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note: The Anguilla Business Companies Bill (“the ABC Bill”),
    2. The second draft Anguilla Business Companies (“ABC”) Bill,
    3. Comments and responses from the first draft Anguilla Business Companies (“ABC”) BillThe second draft Anguilla Business Companies (“ABC”) Bill,

    Kindly submit your comments no later than Thursday, 22nd April, 2021 to the Commission
  70. FATF Public Statement - (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - February 2021) – 25 February 2021
  71. FATF Public Statement – (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action) – 25 February 2021
  72. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission invites service providers in the financial services industry and the general public to submit comments on the draft Anguilla Business Companies Regulations, 2021. Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note: The Anguilla Business Companies (“ABC”) Regulations
    2. Draft Anguilla Business Companies Regulations, 2021

    Kindly submit your comments no later than Friday, 9th April, 2021 to the Commission
  73. GFIN Announcement
  74. UK Sanctions List - 31 December 2020
  75. CFATF Public Statement – CFATF Public Statement on Sint Maarten, LI Plenary held virtually, December 11th, 2020
  76. FATF Public Statement - (Public Statement on Countering Proliferation Financing) – 23 October 2020
  77. FATF Public Statement – (High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action) – 23 October 2020
  78. FATF Public Statement – (Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring) – 23 October 2020
  79. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission invites service providers in the financial services industry and the general public to submit comments on the draft Securities and Investment Funds Bill. Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. Consultation Note: The draft Securities and Investment Funds Bill;
    2. Darft Securities and Investment Funds Bill

    Kindly submit your comments no later than Monday, 11th January, 2021 to the Commission at
  80. Record Retention Guidelines
  81. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission invites service providers in the financial services industry and the general public to submit comments on the draft Anguilla Business Companies (“ABC”) Bill and Variable Capital Companies (“VCC”) Bill.
    Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. 1. Consultation Note: The draft Anguilla Business Companies (“ABC”) Bill and Variable Capital Companies (“VCC”) Bill,
    2. Draft Anguilla Business Companies (“ABC”) Bill,
    3. Draft Variable Capital Companies (“VCC”) Bill and
    4. Objects and Reasons Anguilla Business Companies (ABC) Act 2020.

    Kindly note that the consultation period has been extended to 14 December 2020. Please submit your comments to the Commission
  82. CFATF Public Statement – 28 July 2020
  83. FATF Public Statement – (Jurisdictions under increased Monitoring) - 21 February 2020
  84. FATF Public Statement – (High risk jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action) - 21 February 2020
  85. FATF Public Statement – (Jurisdictions under increased Monitoring) – 30 June 2020
  86. FATF Public Statement – (High risk jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action) – 30 June 2020
  87. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission invites service providers in the financial services industry and the general public to submit comments on the draft Anguilla Special Trust Bill (“ASTrA Bill”).
    Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. The Draft Anguilla Special Trust Bill (“ASTrA Bill”) Consultation Note
    2. Draft Anguilla Special Trusts (ASTrA) Act, 2020

    Kindly submit your comments no later than Monday, 19th October, 2020 to the Commission
  88. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission invites service providers in the financial services industry and the general public to submit comments on the draft Trust and Corporate Services Providers Bill (“TCSP Bill”).
    Please see the attached documents in relation to this public consultation:
    1. TCSP Bill, 2020
    2. TCSP Prudential Returns Regulations 2020
    3. Trust and Corporate Service Providers (Fees) Regulations 2020
    4. Trust and Corporate Services Providers Bill - Consultation Note
    5. Trust companies and offshore banking (amendment) bill, 2020

    Kindly submit your comments no later than Monday, 12th October, 2020 to the Commission at
    Please see the attached document which the Anguilla Financial Services Commission has been asked to publish on behalf of the Registry of Commercial Activities.
    Kindly note that the content of this document and the views, information and opinions expressed within the said document are those solely of the Registry of Commercial Activities and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, official policy or position of the Anguilla Financial Services Commission. Neither the Anguilla Financial Services Commission nor any person acting on its behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the content, views, opinions and information contained therein.

    Substantial Activities Requirements 15 May 2020
    Anguilla Substantial Activities Requirements Guidance May 2020

  90. Statement by the FATF President: COVID-19 and measures to combat illicit financing
  91. AFSC COVID-19 Statement on Expectations for Domestic Insurers
  92. AFSC Coronavirus Statement, March 20 2020.
  93. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    Public Consultation - Comments invited on the following:
    1. Amendments to the Anguilla Utility Token Offering Act, 2018
    2. Amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Regulations
    3. Draft Anguilla Utility Token Offering (Qualified Company) Regulations
    4. Amendments to the Anguilla Utility Tokens Offering (Anti-Money Laundering) Regulations 2018
    5. Amendments to the Anguilla Utility Tokens Offering (Application Process) Regulations 2018
    6. Amendments to the Anguilla Utility Tokens Offering (Levy) Regulations 2018
    7. Amendments to the Anguilla Utility Tokens Offering (White Paper) Regulations 2018

    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission invites service providers in the financial services industry and the general public to submit comments on the amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Regulations, amendments to the Anguilla Utility Tokens Offering Act, 2018 and related Anguilla Utility Tokens Offering Regulations as noted above.

    This consultation is intended to identify any major areas of concern with the amendments. All comments should be submitted by the close of business on 25 March 2020 and emailed to the attention of Ms. Charonay Carty at
  94. Guidance Notes for the Reporting of SARs Guidance Notes for the Reporting of SARs 10 February, 2020

    Please see the attached document which the Anguilla Financial Services Commission has been asked to publish on behalf of the Financial Intelligence Unit.

    Kindly note that the content of this document and the views, information and opinions expressed within the said document are those solely of the Financial Intelligence Unit and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, official policy or position of the Anguilla Financial Services Commission. Neither the Anguilla Financial Services Commission nor any person acting on its behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the content, views, opinions and information contained therein.

  95. FATF Public Statement - October 2019 FATF Public Statement - October 2019
  96. CFATF Public Statement on Sint Maarten at L Plenary St. Johns, Antigua and Barbuda CFATF Public Statement on Sint Maarten at L Plenary St. Johns, Antigua and Barbuda, November 27th,2019
  97. Responses to Industry re. Anguilla Utility Tokens Exchange Regulations - October 2019 Responses to Industry re. Anguilla Utility Tokens Exchange Regulations
  98. FATF Public Statement – June 2019
  99. Wire Transfer Payments made via NCBA
  100. Themed Examinations Report for 2016 and 2017
    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission (the “Commission”) has today issued its Themed Examinations Programme Report for 2016 and 2017. The Commission has assessed service providers’ compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Legislation. The report highlights the areas where service providers’ performance is deficient and provides high level comments on recommended remedial actions.
  101. Public Consultation: Comments Invited on Anguilla Utility Tokens Exchange Regulations (Draft)
    The Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, Commerce, Investment and Tourism invites service providers in the financial services industry, clients and the general public to submit comments on the draft Anguilla Utility Tokens Exchange Regulations.
    This consultation is intended to identify any major areas of concern with the draft regulations. All comments should be submitted by the close of business on 15 May, 2019 and emailed to the Financial Services Commission to the attention of Ms. Charonay Carty at
    Have a wonderful and productive day.
    1. [Draft] Anguilla Utility Token Exchange (Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Regulations 15 Mar 19
    2. [Draft] Anguilla Utility Token Exchange (Application Process) Regulations 15 Mar 19
    3. [Draft] Anguilla Utility Token Exchange (Levy) Regulations 15 Mar 19
    4. Responses to Industry Comments re. Anguilla Utility Tokens Exchange Act 26 April 2019
  102. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,
    The UWI Open Campus in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, Anguilla Financial Services Commission, Anguilla Compliance Association and Anguilla Commercial Registry presents “The Compliance & Tax Transparency Standards Workshop” at the Teachers Resource Centre, The Valley on April 16, 2019 from 8:30 am - 11:00 am.
    1. Compliance Workshop Agenda
    2. Compliance with Tax Standards
    3. The Future of Company Management: Substance, Compliance and Opportunity
  103. Press Announcement _ Deputy Director
  104. FATF Public Statement – February 2019
  105. Anguilla Utility Tokens Exchange Act (draft)
  106. Public Consultation - Draft Anguilla Utility Tokens Exchange Act
  107. Director of FSC Announced
  108. Mr Ralph Hodge appointed Chairman of Board of Directors
  109. Release - FSC Enters into Agreement with NAIC - 3 January 2019
  110. MOU between The Anguilla Financial Services Commission (AFSC) and The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
  111. Dear Financial Services Market Participant,

    The Anguilla Financial Services Commission advises its licensees that the Government of Anguilla has made amendments to the International Business Companies Act, R.S.A. c. I20 to prohibit the issuance of bearer shares and to require the conversion of any issued bearer shares to registered shares.
    Please see attached the following:
    1. Announcement from the Anguilla Financial Services Commission
    2. International Business Companies (Amendment) Act, 2018
  112. CFATF Public Statement October 2018
  113. CFATF Public Statement June 2018
  114. CFATF Public Statement May 2018
  115. Industry Day Agenda - 3 December 2018
  116. Notice of Amendments to Insurance Legislation for PARCs
  117. Save the Date - AFSC Industry Day
  118. NEWS RELEASE - CFATF – November 2017
  119. PRESS RELEASE - FATF – February 2018
  120. News Release- Anguilla Financial Services Commission Recognized for its Staff’s Expertise in Captive Insurance
  121. Beneficial Ownership Press Release
  122. United Kingdom and Anguilla Exchange of Notes
  123. Guidelines on Corporate Governance
    International Standards require supervisors to set standards for their regulated entities to establish and implement corporate governance frameworks, which provide for a sound and prudent management and oversight of the business and adequately recognize and protect the interests of consumers. These Guidelines set out the FSC’s expectations for effective corporate governance practices and procedures of licensees in accordance with International Standards.
  124. Guidelines on Consolidated Supervision
    International Standards require supervisors to ensure that adequate coordination arrangements are in place with supervisors in other jurisdictions in order to enable cross-border issues involving licensees with operations in more than one jurisdiction to be addressed and to facilitate the comprehensive oversight of these licensees. These Guidelines set out the Commission’s expectations relating to the effective consolidated supervision of licensees.
  125. Guidelines on Business Continuity Management
    To enhance the resilience of the financial sector and to minimize the potential impact of a major operational disruption, licensees should have a business continuity management framework in place. These Guidelines set out the FSC’s expectations for implementation of a framework for effective business continuity management in accordance with International Standards.
  126. Notice to Industry Partners ECCU
  127. Press Release - Government of Anguilla announces launch of its National Risk Assessment exercise
  128. New Reporting Forms for Class A Insurers
    1. Domestic Insurance - Annual Return Forms
    2. Insurance - A Forms - Background Information
    3. Insurance - B Forms - Main Financial Statements
    4. Insurance - C Forms - Details on Balance Sheet (Form B.1)
    5. Insurance - D Forms - Operating Details - Income Statement
    6. Insurance - Q Forms - Quarterly Filing Requirements
  129. All Licensees:

    Please be reminded that all annual licence fees are due and payable by 15th January of the licence year. This year, January 15th falls on a Sunday. The Commission has taken this into consideration and will allow licensees who have not paid their annual fees to do so no later than Monday, January 16th, 2017. Payments received after January 16th will incur the applicable late penalty fees as per Regulations.
  130. Guidelines on Audit Exemption Applications by Certain Captive Insurers (revised 2016)
  131. Overseas Agents in a Changing Regulatory Environment
    Please note the following attachments:
    1. Notice - 31 October 2016 – Overseas Agents in a Changing Regulatory Environment
    2. Revised Consultation Paper – August 2016
    3. Comments received from financial services industry on the Consultation Paper circulated in March 2016 and Revised Consultation Paper circulated in August 2016
    The enclosed recommendation becomes effective 1 January 2017.
  132. High Risk and Non-Cooperative Jurisdictions October 2016
  133. Themed Examinations Programme Report- Compliance with AML-CFT Requirements
  134. 2014 Themed findings of AML-CFT Inspections
  135. Offshore Banks - News Release
  136. FAFT guidance notes on money services
  137. NRSP Registration - Real Estate Agents
  138. NOTICE - ENRSP (Amendment) Regulations, 2015
  139. Press statement by Hon AG – CFATF approval of Anguilla exit from the Third Round Follow-Up Process
  140. Summary of Harmonised Credit Reporting Bill and Regulations (22 April 2015) The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank ("ECCB") would appreciate any comments you may have on the attached summary of the main provisions of the final draft of the Harmonised Credit Reporting Bill and Regulations. The Bill and Regulations are for the purpose of governing the operations of a credit bureau for the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union ("ECCU"). The ECCU Credit Bureau is being developed with technical assistance from the International Finance Corporation, with financing from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development. One of the main objectives of the ECCU Credit Bureau is to provide lenders with timely access to information about potential borrowers that will enable the lender to assess the risk of lending to those borrowers. The ECCB has asked that your comments be submitted to the Commission for forwarding on to the ECCB by April 30, 2015. Please send your comments to the following email address: Thank you for your assistance with this initiative.
  141. Companies Involved in Forex Contracts or Binary Options Business (10 April 2015)

    Companies Involved in Forex Contracts or Binary Options Business

  142. Consultation with key stakeholders on the draft Investment Business Act (01 April 2015) Attached, please find the following from Mr. Gerry Halischuk, Director of the Anguilla Financial Services Commission:

    1. Letter dated 1 April, 2015 - Re: Consultation with key stakeholders on the draft Investment Business Act
    2. Draft Application Form
    3. Draft ancillary forms and fees

    We request that key stakeholders provide their comments on the draft forms and fees by Friday, 1 May 2015. These should be forwarded to Robert Hudson, Deputy Director, at the following email address:

  143. Guidelines for Submission of Applications for Licensing ("Guidelines") (25 February 2015) Attached, please find the following from Mr. Gerry Halischuk, Director of the Anguilla Financial Services Commission:

    1. Letter dated 25 February 2015
    2. Guidelines for Submission of Applications for Licensing
  144. Consultation with key stakeholders on the draft Investment Business Act (18 December 2014) Attached, please find the following from Mr. Gerry Halischuk, Director of the Anguilla Financial Services Commission:

    1. Letter dated 18 December, 2014 - Re: Consultation with key stakeholders on the draft Investment Business Act
    2. Code of Practice for Investment Business
  145. Insurance (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 - New Fee Schedule - Effective 1 January 2015 (04 November 2014) Attached, please find the following from Mr. Gerry Halischuk, Director of the Anguilla Financial Services Commission:

    1. Letter dated 4 December, 2014 - Insurance (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 – New Fee Schedule – Effective 1 January 2015
    2. Insurance (Amendment) Regulations, 2014
  146. 2013 Themed Findings of AML/CFT Inspections (20 October 2014) 2013 Themed Findings of AML/CFT Inspections
  147. Draft Insurance Regulations, 2014 (07 October 2014) Letter dated 7 October 2014 Draft Insurance Regulations, 2014
    We request that key stakeholders provide their comments on the enclosed by Friday, 7 November 2014. These should be forwarded to the attention of Tina Bryan-Bannister, Head of AML/CFT & Legal Services at the following email address:
  148. Consultation with key stakeholders on the draft Investment Business Act (03 October 2014) Attached please find the following from Mr. Gerry Halischuk, Director of the Anguilla Financial Services Commission:
    Letter dated 2 October 2014 Draft Investment Business Regulations, 2014
    We request that key stakeholders provide their comments on the enclosed by Friday, 31 October 2014. These should be forwarded to Robert Hudson, Deputy Director, at the following email address:
  149. Save The Date! Industry Day - Thursday, 2 October 2014 (15 September 2014) Please see attached the final agenda for Industry Day. Grateful if you would confirm your attendance by Wednesday, 24 September 2014.
  150. DATE CHANGE - FATCA - FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY INFORMATION DAY (10 September 2014) Due to the Ceremonial Opening of the Law Year 2014-2015 on the 17th September, the FATCA INFORMATION DAY event has been moved to the 18th September. We apologise for the confusion. Please find attached the updated document. FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY INFORMATION DAY 18TH SEPTEMBER 2014 LA VUE, SOUTH HILL, ANGUILLA 8.45am - 4.00pm The Government of Anguilla
  151. Announcement of Director, Anguilla Financial Services Commission (15 August 2014) Press Release - Announcement of Director, Anguilla Financial Services Commission
  152. Beneficial Ownership Consultation Press Release (29 July 2014) Please see attached the Press Release and Consultation paper on Beneficial Ownership which are being circulated on behalf of the Government of Anguilla.
    1. Beneficial Ownership Consultation Press Release
    2. Consultation Paper on Beneficial Ownership Info
    Kindly send your comments to the attention of Perin Bradley at the email address
  153. Press Release - Ukraine (13 May 2014)
    1. PRESS RELEASE - Ukraine (Order #2)
    2. PRESS RELEASE - Ukraine (Order #3)
  154. Senior Management of the Commission (4 April 2014) Senior Management of the Commission
  155. Notice to Boards of Directors and Senior Management of Licensees 2013 (27 March 2014) Notice to Boards of Directors and Senior Management of Licensees 2013
  156. Press Release - Ukraine (20 March 2014) PRESS RELEASE - Ukraine
  157. Anguilla responds to Ukraine situation (10 March 2014) Anguilla responds to Ukraine situation
  158. Consultation with key stakeholders on the draft Investment Business Act (19 February 2014)
    1. Letter dated 19 February 2014
    2. Consultation Paper - Developing Anguilla’s Investment Business
    3. Draft Investment Business Act
  159. Statement by Governor ECCB Hon. Sir K Dwight Venner: 12 August 2013 (24 September 2013) Statement by Governor ECCB Hon. Sir K Dwight Venner
Contact Information

Anguilla Financial Services Commission
Hansa Building II, 1st Floor, P.O. Box 1575, Cosley Drive
The Valley, Anguilla
Phone: +1 (264) 497 5881 / +1 (264) 497 5466